This post is about a site called which provides web hosting solutions to all people who own their websites. 2ip "Pay to Own" Website Hosting Solution gives you lots of information’s so that we can make use of their services. They provide affordable price for web hosting. Do visit the site to know more about their services.
Press Release:
2ip Rolls Out ‘Pay to Own’ Web Hosting Sales Model, Drops Subscription Payments
FREMONT, Calif., November 6, 2008 – 2ip (, a shared hosting leader serving more than 310,000 Web sites since 1999, today announced the launch of its ‘Pay to Own’ sales model, allowing customers to pay a one-time fee for the Web hosting they need, without any recurring subscription costs.
The new payment model is ideal for small businesses or individuals seeking a simple, ad-free, and reliable Web presence without a continual cost. Customers can even use a free 2ip sub-domain to eliminate domain name registry fees and use 2ip’s free Web site builder tools to avoid costs associated with creating the site.
“Web sites hosted in our ‘Pay to Own’ program are designed for Web newcomers who are looking to get online without the recurring expense. With 2ip, it’s like having an electronic business card with a professional feel,” said Jimmy Tanzil, managing director of Ichthys Media LLC, 2ip’s parent company.
2ip will use high-end servers to host ‘Pay to Own’ customers. Each system is powered by Dual Quad Core processors and between 4 and 8 GB RAM. To keep hosting costs low and maximize quality, 2ip intensively uses automation and virtualization procedures to manage existing hosting accounts and provision new sign ups.
The ‘Pay to Own’ Web hosting plan is priced at $25, which allows users to host an unlimited number of domains on the account. It includes 100 MB of disk space, unlimited data transfer, and unlimited email accounts. Additional disk space is priced at one-time fees of $10 per additional 100 MB or $75 for additional 1,000 MB.
In addition to the ‘Pay to Own’ model, 2ip also offers traditional subscription-based plans, which offer more features, power, and storage allotments. Subscription-based shared hosting plans start at $3.75 monthly.
To learn more about ‘Pay to Own’ Web hosting plans from 2ip, please visit
About 2ip
Founded in 1999 as a free Web hosting provider, 2ip today serves more than 310,000 Web sites with affordable shard Web hosting. It offers premium subscription-based and ‘Pay to Own’ Web hosting services, starting at less than $4 per month. 2ip is a subsidiary of Ichthys Media LLC.
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